“Man, food and animals. Who feed whom ?”, Paris, in may 12th and 13th 2006
Du 12 au 13 May 2006
de 00h00 à 00h00
An international Ocha Symposium, directed by Jean-Pierre Poulain, anthropologist and sociologist, Université de Toulouse (France)
French-english simultaneous translation
The purpose of this symposium is to approach and understand the depth and diversity of human-animal relations. The structure of the known human dietary models is not merely the result of adaptive evolution, it also reveals the biological and socio-anthropological relationships between humans and their environment. Animals are raised as food or to produce food (milk, eggs, honey, etc.) for human consumption. As such, they can be consumed but must also be fed. How has this relationship evolved across the world and what form has it taken in modern societies?
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